Why 2027 Will Be the End of the US Dollar..

Fantastic exposition of the central banking cabal that runs the fiat financial system – bis.org

Introduction to Eurodollar System

  • The term ‘Eurodollar’ refers to any dollar held outside of a Federal Reserve regulated depository institution.
  • The Eurodollar system was established post-Bretton Woods by London banks using offshore banking in places like the Bahamas and Cayman Islands.
  • The Bank of England allowed these offshore banks to operate unregulated as long as they dealt in dollars.
  • The Eurodollar system is described as a large, unregulated money laundering system.

Introduction to Mel Madison

  • Mel Madison is the author of the book ‘Quas’.
  • Madison has a 20-year background in financial services, working with asset managers and fintech startups.
  • He has served as CEO of three different FINRA SEC registered broker-dealers.
  • Madison holds an MBA with a focus on investment and corporate finance from Duke University.

Overview of ‘Quas’

  • The book ‘Quas’ discusses the systemic fragility of the global financial system.
  • It explores the history of corporate and government partnerships and the buildup of leverage.
  • The book suggests we are nearing the end state of the current financial system.
  • It includes educational segments on topics like Roosevelt’s gold confiscation, central banking history, and issues with the dollar.

Historical Context and Financial Systems

  • The central banks were originally set up to siphon wealth from the people to the sovereign.
  • The Bank of England was established in 1694 to fund wars by issuing paper money backed by gold and silver.
  • The Federal Reserve is a private corporation owned by major banks like JP Morgan and Citigroup.
  • The U.S. has a history of financial crises, including the Revolutionary War debt and the Civil War.

Current Financial System and Future Predictions

  • The U.S. is running large deficits to maintain positive GDP growth.
  • Interest expenses are rising rapidly, surpassing other major budget items like defense and Medicare.
  • The Social Security and Medicare trust funds are expected to become insolvent around 2027-2028.
  • The fundamental asset in bubble territory is U.S. Treasury debt, which could lead to a currency crisis.

Role of Central Banks and Global Financial Institutions

  • Central banks like the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank play a crucial role in the financial system.
  • The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is a central bank for central banks, operating in secrecy.
  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank also have significant influence over global financial policies.
  • These institutions have historically supported corrupt regimes and financial practices.

Potential Financial Collapse and Strategies

  • A potential financial collapse could be triggered by the insolvency of Social Security and Medicare.
  • The bond market could react negatively, leading to a spike in interest rates and inflation.
  • Strategies to prepare include investing in assets like Bitcoin, gold, and silver.
  • Holding large amounts of cash or long-term debt is considered risky.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

  • The financial system is at a critical juncture, with significant risks and uncertainties ahead.
  • There is hope that new technologies like Bitcoin can provide a more stable financial system.
  • The outcome will depend on how governments and central banks respond to the impending crisis.
  • Individuals should stay informed and consider diversifying their investments to mitigate risks.

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